Friday, February 29, 2008

Start spreading the news....

Greetings all,

Happy Leap Year Day!!! Here it is the end of the month. Some how I don't recall what I was doing four years ago.

Today I'm tying up loose ends at work and preparing for my two week visit to the Big Apple! I'll be working for two weeks at the Paley Center for Media and I'll be staying with a friend in Jersey City. Okay - it may not be the Waldorf Astoria - but he's letting me stay there for free.

I'll get to see some of my NYC band friends and see another good friend who used to live in DC. Plus I plan to see some librarian friends and who knows - maybe something will come of this for a job!

I could use that - life at my job is pretty miserable - my boss decided she hates me. About three months ago I came in after being off for a week of planned vacation and things were different. But I figure that she cannot get rid of me - so I keep doing my job and adhering to her bizarre demands. The longer I stay the more annoyed I figure that she'll be. Sometimes it is fun to be passive-aggressive.

Wish me luck as I try to make it in NYC. Maybe I'll be selected for a makeover on the Today Show!!! Heaven knows I could use it. Or I could just ask for help from my fasionista friend.


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