Thursday, May 8, 2008

Fountain of youth - my virtual age - 28.3

Well no wonder I feel young and still think of myself as being around 25. According to this Life Expectancy Calculator my virtual age is 28.3 -- not bad for someone who is just past 49.5!

There are a whole series of questions about health and lifestyle. According to that I should live to be 96.7 years old! I was hoping for 107 - but if I were to switch to a fat-free diet I'd probably make it.

Why 107 you ask? Because in 2063, the State of West Virginia will celebrate its Bicentennial and I'd like to be a part of that in my hometown - maybe as the oldest person there - that would be really cool!

Or I could make it till 2076 for my 100 year high school reunion - and the nation's Tricentennial. But that might be pushing things. Hope I can still play in the band!

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