Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1st - thoughts on many things

4th sign of the Zodiac - Cancer the Crab
Wow - what a week!

The litany of celebrity deaths in the past week - Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Billy Mays, Gale Storm, Fred Travalena - did I miss anyone?

July 4th is around the corner - but before that I have July 3rd - my mom's birthday - she turned 83 last year while in the hospital. A year ago I was driving back and forth to Winchester a couple of times a week.

On the job front - my boss is still crazy and I think it is time for them to re-adjust her meds. I had a job interview almost two weeks ago and it was really good. So now I am trying to remain positive yet dispassionate. I want to keep the positive energy flowing - but I don't want to be too disappointed if I don't get it. The optimism is winning.

Dancing Snoopy

I have explained it to a couple of people as - staying optimistic but not choreographing the happy dance yet.

At home things are going apace. We will celebrate George's 50th birthday this month and we have invited his brothers and other friends and family - so we're working on getting things cleaned up and throwing things away. That's very exciting to me - I've been wanting to clear out some of the clutter. In part because we'll eventually get some more stuff from the family home - but some of that will be a place to put things.

I'll keep you posted.

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